Volunteers are available at the CAP Resource Center as follows:
Business Days: Mondays and Thursdays only from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Telephone (216)-781-1757 "Please leave a message" at Mailbox 2
About Computers Assisting People
Computers Assisting People aka CAP Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit Ohio corporation formed in 1997.
Long before the term "digital divide" became ubiquitous, CAP volunteers were working to bring the life-changing power of technology to all the people of Cleveland an beyond.
Contact Information
The CAP Resource Center is located at 4415 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115. We are on the Lower Level (press LL on the elevator)
Link to the Google Map
CAP's phone number is 216-781-1757 mailbox #2
You can e-mail CAP at cap@magnuminc.com
CAP is on Facebook so please "like us"
CAP is also on Twitter
so please follow us.
Our mailing address is
Computers Assisting People Inc.
868 Montford Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44121
Download the CAP brochure (pdf file)
The brochure is out of date because of our recent move but it gives you an idea. Please use the more current information on this website.
CAP Mission Statement
The information technology age is rapidly dividing the world into two separate classes - the technology "haves" and "have-nots". Information is power and technology is the means to acquiring that information and hence, that power. Employment opportunities and even everyday life are becoming increasingly dependent on computers.
The mission of CAP Inc. is to reach those elements of society that may not have the opportunity to benefit from the technology that many of us take for granted. Thus our focus is in assisting organizations (schools, churches, community centers, etc.) that deal with children, seniors, the poor, the disabled and others that can really be empowered by computer technology.
CAP History
CAP started in 1995 as a project of the Greater Cleveland PC Users Group. At a gathering of user group leaders at Fall Comdex in the early 90's, a video was shown that demonstrated how one user group had worked on a donated system for a mother with ALS. Their efforts allowed this woman to "speak" to her children for the first time using the PC and some other technology. It was a very moving presentation and many of those in attendance decided to start similar projects with their home user groups. The CAP project started by gathering donated computer equipment, parts and software and testing and doing repair work to create functional systems that were then donated to worthwhile causes. With growth we began to run into problems. We received many more requests for equipment than we had PCs to give. We did not have adequate warehouse space or equipment to handle the activities. Our irregular hours and lack of a phone line or secretary caused us to miss out on some great opportunities. So we incorporated in 1997 and received a 501c3 non-profit designation.
Since then, CAP volunteers have donated about 20,000 PCs (and countless peripherals and consulting hours) to over 450 schools and non-profit organizations in the Cleveland community.
What we do
Basically, the volunteers of CAP take in donated equipment (PCs,peripherals, software, etc.) and refurbish, repair and combine them to make useful, working systems. We then give them away, free of charge, to non-profit organizations in the Cleveland area to be used in fulfilling their missions. Our bylaws state that we must donate to another non-profit - we cannot donate directly to individuals.
After receiving a letter from the non-profit indicating what they need, we try to meet or at least talk with them so that we can determine how we can best serve their needs. Sometimes a non-profit will just need some PCs whereas others may need cabling, custom or off-the-shelf software, training, help in setting up a computer lab, technical advice and so on. Often, they have no idea what they want or need and we try to help them determine that. CAP volunteers try to meet as many of these needs as possible. As volunteers relying on donated equipment this is not always possible. But we give our best effort to assist them as much as possible.
About 20,000 PCs have been given away to over 450 schools and non-profit organizations in the Cleveland community. We have assisted in every ward of the city of Cleveland and neighboring communities such as East Cleveland. We have also helped set up computer labs, provided custom software, provided network cabling and served as a place where people from the non-profits (as well as students and other members of the community) can come and learn how to build, troubleshoot and repair PCs as well as gain other computer knowledge.
CAP is a Microsft Registreed Refurbisher
The volunteers of CAP strive to provide a complete solution (not just recycling) so that recipients will really be empowered by the technology and be able to improve the quality of lives.
It has been very satisfying for our people to witness how lives have been improved after they received one of our refurbished systems or computer assistance or training.
If you like what CAP is doing and want to help us stay open,
you can click this button to securely make a donation to CAP through PayPal.
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